Model Portfolio Shoot in the Crescent Head Backroads

Model Portfolio shoot for newly signed model, Maizi. Shot nearby the Wildflower Portraits HQ in the beautiful backroads of Crescent Head, NSW.

It has been a wet winter this year. So much rain, which can make things a littler more challenging on shoot days. On the day of Maizi’s shoot it POURED, to the point where every layer of my clothing was soaked through. But the show must go on. Maizi has recently signed with a model agency in Sydney, and the agency reached out to me to capture images for her portfolio.

Having worked with a lot of professional models over the years, I can say that alongside appearance, attitude is HUGELY important for getting hired and re-hired as a model. On the day of her shoot if was absolutely freezing and wet. Maizi was an absolute legend, full as enthusiasm (as was her mum who held the umbrella over her between shots).

We traipsed through puddles, squished through mud, dodged cow patties and were dripping wet. The life of a model isn’t all glamour 🙂 but as you can see in these photos though, she makes it look like a walk in the park.

The vision started with a mood board, then we communicated about outfits and styling.  I chose the location to suit the vibe and brought along props.  The whole process can take a number of weeks and a series of emails, text message and phone calls.  Planning and attention to details is important to me, to get the best photos for you that we can.  But on days like this, flexibility and a bit of humour proved to equally important. 

Find out more about a Model Portfolio Shoot with Wildflower Portraits here.  We have a range of packages available to suit aspiring models to professional models.  We’d love to help bring your creative vision to life.