Portraits of The Greens Candidate, Lauren Edwards
Greens Candidate for Cowpa NSW, Lauren Edwards came to Wildflower Portraits for her political campaign photographs for the upcoming 2019 election. Lauren arrived at my property on the outskirts of Crescent Head where we border with the National Park. I’d chosen a range of natural backdrops to represent her connection to the environment.
I had to work to fairly rigid guidelines to shoot these images in regards to framing, compositing, depth of field, lighting style and background style. So there wasn’t a lot of creative freedom. But it was a good challenge to create Lauren’s portraits within those guidelines.
With my help, Lauren chose clothing and expressions that she needed for a variety of campaign images across different platforms and to represent different aspects of her work and the priorities of The Greens.
We shot in the late afternoon for soft lighting that was appropriately directed for the chosen locations. A storm rolled in from the west so the light was changing rapidly and we had to shelter in the car at one stage until the rain passed. Afterwards a rainbow decorated the stormy sky and we were gifted lovely dusk light.
Photography Review by Lauren
Lauren gave us a video review. Here is what she had to say about her two experiences shooting with Wildflower Portraits.
If you’d like to book a Personal Branding photography session with Wildflower Portraits please get in touch here. Or find out more here.